
Invisible Aligners: The Advantages of Clear Orthodontic Solutions

Orthodontic braces are the most common appliance for straightening teeth with severe misalignment problems. However, there’s no getting around the popularity of invisible aligners. Known as Invisalign, this clear orthodontic solution can help patients achieve the perfect smile without anyone knowing they’re undergoing treatment. Here are some of the advantages that Invisalign provides when you work with a Melbourne orthodontist.

Discreet and (Nearly) Invisible

The clear aligners are see-through, and they fit perfectly on your teeth. The aligners are crafted to gradually shift the teeth, similar to how traditional braces work. You will receive a new set of aligners every few weeks until the process is complete. When you wear the aligners, they are almost impossible for others to see. This makes Invisalign an attractive form of treatment for many adults who work in sales or other customer-facing jobs. They can undergo treatment without getting a complete set of braces, which are much more noticeable. 

Removable Appliance

Once braces are attached to your teeth, they stay on until your treatment is complete. Eating meals and brushing and floss your teeth makes it more challenging. With Invisalign clear aligners, you can remove them for meals and oral hygiene. The aligners must be worn for 22 hours a day, leaving two hours for eating, brushing, and flossing. A paper published in the National Library of Medicine showed that people who receive treatment with removable aligners are much less likely to develop white spot lesions on their teeth than those with braces. This is likely a direct result of it being much easier to take care of oral hygiene.

Added Comfort

Traditional metal and wire braces can be uncomfortable on the soft tissues in the mouth. You will adjust to the discomfort, but it is a notable complaint that some patients have. With invisible aligners, this discomfort is nonexistent. There are no metal brackets or wires to deal with. The appliance is just a smooth piece of plastic that fits perfectly over your teeth. There is no chance of anything metal poking against the gums, tongue, or inside the cheeks.

Reduced Treatment Times

Treatment with traditional braces, on average, takes between 18 months and two years. Treatment with clear aligners averages around nine to fifteen months. Invisalign also requires fewer appointments with your Melbourne orthodontist than braces.

No Dietary Restrictions

There are certain types of foods that you should avoid when undergoing treatment with braces. Sticky or hard foods can damage the wire or disconnect a bracket from a tooth. Other foods are more difficult to clean out of your teeth when brushing and flossing. Your orthodontist will provide a complete list of foods that should be avoided during treatment. When your teeth are being corrected with invisible aligners, your diet has no restrictions. You can take out the aligners to eat and drink anything you want. After brushing and flossing your teeth, you put the aligners back in.

Predictable Course of Treatment

Invisible aligners are crafted using advanced 3D printing technology. An exact model of your teeth is made to produce the aligners. With 3D modeling, your orthodontist can predict the precise movements of the teeth to reach the expected outcome. 

Easy to Maintain

Clear aligners are easy to maintain, but you do have to be diligent about it. During the two hours a day when you are not wearing them (for meals and brushing), you should clean the aligners according to your doctor’s instructions. This prevents harmful bacteria from building up in the aligners, which could lead to tooth decay or bad breath. Diligently cleaning them will also prevent the aligners from staining until your next set of aligners arrives. 

As you can see, there are many advantages to using invisible aligners for orthodontic treatment. Note that every patient is different, and depending on the severity of a person’s bite, the orthodontist might recommend a course of treatment with braces or another appliance. If you think you might be a good candidate for Invisalign, contact us at Reddick Orthodontics in Melbourne, FL, to schedule an appointment.